Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Slightly Cooler Pic

Found this on Mr. Wheaton's blog as well. Doggone it why can't we get him to notice our Blog? He could send us a voiceover or join a podcast or even just comment and tell us we are losers.

1 comment:

chris runoff said...

I would love to see him... er, hear him do a spot on JRWSTFT^2.

He's going to be in Tucson this weekend, unfortunately I'm going to be in NorCal.

Your best bet is to start participating in his blog, but not, hey we have a Star Trek podcast and you should totally be on it because you'd rock and your new books Memories of the Future is really similar to what we're doing, well without the first hand experience and stuff....

I want to see this happen, and I get the impression from his blog, podcast, twitter, etc., etc., he'd be open to the idea if it was broached in the proper way.